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Quick Guide to Options Trading Strategies with Free PDF

A Comprehensive Guide to Strategies with a Free PDF Download

by Camille Davis
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Investors in every sector and field must constantly work to safeguard themselves from any risks and uncertainties that can surface during their core business operations. Effective risk management and the use of investing methods that enable risk mitigation are two ways to do this.

Trading options is one of the best financial strategies for controlling risk and making money. Professional traders frequently utilize options trading as a strategy to traverse the complexity of the financial markets and come to wise judgments. It is a very adaptable investment approach that presents numerous chances to increase rewards and lower dangers.

Options contracts, which are agreements between two parties to buy or sell an underlying asset at a defined price within a given timeframe, are the foundation of the options trading idea. Options trading’s adaptability comes from its capacity to generate gains using a range of strategies. One of the typical ways to make money is through directional trades, in which an investor forecasts the direction of the market and makes money if their forecast is accurate. However, by gambling that the market won’t go below a specific price, options trading also offers the chance to profit even when the market’s trend is unfavorable.

The goal of this manual is to give readers a thorough grasp of options trading and how it operates. Readers will have a firm understanding of what options are, how they operate, and how to use them to achieve investing objectives by the end of this course. Additionally, real-world examples will be given to further clarify the ideas and show how they can be used in practice when trading options.


Table of contents



Definition of Options

A contract known as an option grants the buyer the right, but not the duty, to buy or sell the underlying asset at a given price within a specified period of time. On the other hand, if the buyer elects to exercise their option, the option seller is obligated to either deliver the underlying asset (in the case of a call option) or purchase the underlying asset (in the case of a put option).

By acquiring an option, the buyer gains the right, but not the obligation, to trade the underlying asset at a preset price and time. Trades involving options are frequently called futures transactions.

The buyer of an option simply receives the right to trade the underlying asset; they are under no duty to do so. This is a key distinction to make because it is one of their most important characteristics.

Don’t worry if this concept seems unclear. Through the course of this book, we will simplify and make clear how the idea of options functions.


What is a Stock Option?

A stock option does not actually buy the shares for you; rather, it grants you the right to acquire or sell them at a predetermined price in relation to a certain company’s stock. The option’s value is determined by the price of the underlying asset, which is the company’s stock, and it has a predetermined expiration date. The power to trade the shares at a set price at a later time is what a stock option accomplishes for you even if it does not grant you ownership in the company.

Stock options can also be a useful tool for risk management and maximizing potential returns in the stock market. In the event that the underlying stock price falls short of the option holder’s expectations, they have the option to let the option lapse rather than exercising it and buying the shares. This offers a degree of flexibility and control that is not possible with direct stock ownership. In conclusion, a stock option is a distinctive financial tool that presents a variety of advantages and chances to individuals who are knowledgeable about how it operates.


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Overview of How Stock Options Work

The seller, also known as the still holder, and the buyer, often known as the owner, are the two main parties in any option transaction. The seller’s job is to watch the underlying asset’s growth passively, and in exchange, the seller receives an option bonus as payment for this service. The buyer, on the other hand, has the authority to actively choose the option.

Depending on the conditions of the option, the buyer has the freedom to decide whether to exercise the option or let it expire. The seller keeps the premium if the option expires, and the buyer gets nothing. However, in the event that the option is exercised, the seller is required to either surrender or accept the underlying asset, in which case they will be paid their premium and will be required to acquire or sell the buyer’s share.

Each party in the option transaction has a unique set of rights and obligations, resulting in a complicated interplay between them. If the underlying asset performs as anticipated, the buyer may profit, and the seller receives a premium for taking on the option’s associated risk. Making wise selections in the world of options trading requires an understanding of both the buyer’s and the seller’s roles and obligations.



Types of Stock Options

The key differences between options are found in how they might be exercised and in the structure of the underlying business activity. The timeframe of when an option can be exercised is determined by the exercise mechanism, and the business procedure determines whether the option offers the holder the ability to buy or sell shares.

Classification by Exercise Type

American and European options offer two different strategies in the realm of options trading. American options let the option to be exercised at any moment throughout the holding period, providing the holder complete discretion over when to do so. The premium paid for American options is higher to make up for the seller’s increased risk of obligation, thus this freedom has a price.

The holder of a European option, on the other hand, can only exercise their right on the predetermined expiration date, which is the end of the option’s term. Only if the price of the underlying asset hits the designated strike price by the expiration date may the option be exercised. Due to the seller’s lesser risk of obligation, this constrained exercise window enables a smaller option premium.

In conclusion, there are differences between American and European options’ flexibility and premium price trade-offs. A specific investor’s risk tolerance and investment objectives will determine which option is best for them. Making informed trading decisions in the world of options requires a thorough understanding of the distinctions between American and European options.


Classification by Business Process

Call options and put options are the two types of options available on the stock option market. Investors are able to purchase and sell either.

The right to acquire the underlying asset at a certain price is provided by call options to the buyer. When the call option is executed, the seller is then required to transfer a certain number of shares to the buyer. When the share price is greater on the exercise date than the strike price, this happens.

Contrarily, put options give the buyer the opportunity to sell the underlying asset. The seller is required to acquire the put option buyer’s shares at the agreed-upon price if the option is exercised. If the share price falls below the strike price, the buyer will benefit since they will be able to sell their stock for more than it is currently worth.

In conclusion, call options profit from rising share prices, whilst put options profit from falling share prices.


Advantages of Stock Options

Options are garnering the attention of banks, businesses, and individuals due to their numerous applications in the financial and economic sectors. Numerous people have demonstrated interest in this kind of derivative instrument.


Bonus / Compensation

Many publicly traded corporations give managers bonuses in the form of stock options in addition to their base pay. This implies a relationship between the manager’s financial situation and the stock performance of the company. Positive corporate advancements and financial performance generally increase the value of a company’s shares, which motivates the manager or board of directors to pursue long-term growth.

These options typically have longer holding periods than conventional options, reflecting the belief that the manager will make a sustained contribution to the company’s performance. In the event that the manager’s efforts are successful, they have the choice to exercise their options and buy business shares at a price that is substantially less than the current market price. The manager now has a stream of income in addition to salary and direct bonuses, further putting their financial interests in line with those of the company’s shareholders.



Stock options are frequently used for hedging purposes, which is one of its most common uses. Options can be used as a kind of protection against future losses by investors who are unsure about the performance of their stock holding. The assumption is that the option will act differently from the stock and offer some level of protection.

An investor must buy an option and pay the option premium in order to use this method. This premium serves as insurance, reducing the risk of potential losses in the event that the stock price drops.

The fact that stock options are exchanged in contracts, each contract representing 100 shares of the underlying asset, is significant. It is advised to buy one option for every 100 shares when it comes to hedging in order to optimize the protective effect. A pure hedging effect is not assured, though. A Protective Put is the name given to this specific trading method.

Trading / Cash Flow

Options are widely used in trading with the goal of making money off of changes in price. The leverage impact that options offer is one of the main characteristics that makes them a desirable tool for traders. Options allow traders to make more money with a less investment because the premium is far less than the cost of buying 100 shares of the underlying asset (one contract). It’s crucial to bear in mind, though, that this leverage effect also raises the risk involved in trading options.

Options can be utilized by income investors to supplement their existing income in addition to trading. For instance, adding covered calls to a stock portfolio enables investors to gain additional option premiums in addition to dividends and price appreciation. Both experienced investors and those who are just getting started in investing can use this method.


A mobile device to access their trading accounts and monitor cash flow.

Trading / Cash Flow


Options Trading Strategies

Let’s examine some of the most popular options trading techniques for novice traders now that we have a good understanding of what stock options are.


Covered Call

One of the most popular market-wide investment strategies is the covered call approach. In this method, a security that acts as the underlying asset is bought while a call option is simultaneously sold for the same amount. The investor’s portfolio of securities includes the written call option, assuring that the position is solid.

By writing a call option with a strike price above the current value of the underlying asset, the investor who uses the covered call strategy can increase their return. The written call option is viewed as being covered as the investor already owns the underlying securities.

The only source of income for the covered call strategy is the option premium. The value of the security at option maturity must be close to the exercise value in order for this return to be realized. The investor might be required to sell the security at the agreed price if the price of the underlying asset rises, but if it declines, the option holder may choose to let the option expire, leaving the investor with a loss due to the security’s decreased value.


A screen displaying the potential profits and risks of a covered call strategy.

Covered Call



Married Put

A popular options trading method known as the Protective Put offers insurance against the possibility of a decrease in the value of a stock position. This tactic is buying a put option on a stock that the investor already owns. The protective put’s option premium serves as protection against prospective stock price drops, and the position’s maximum loss is limited to the difference between the cost of the shares upon purchase, the put option’s strike price, and the option premium paid.

The protective put requires the investor to hold the underlying stock in their portfolio, in contrast to the simple long put, which can be purchased without holding the underlying asset. The price of a stock holding can be hedged using this method, which also offers protection from market volatility.

The amount of the option premium for a protective put is based on two important elements. First, the premium is influenced by the discrepancy between the option’s exercise price and the stock’s current market price. The option premium will be lower the further out of the money the put option is. Second, the length of the option also influences the premium; generally, longer-term options have larger premiums.



The simultaneous purchase of a put option and a call option is the complex options trading method known as the straddle. This set of options is constructed to profit from wider market price fluctuations. Only when the price of the underlying asset significantly changes, either upwards or downward, does the straddle turn a profit.

Depending on whether the options were bought or sold, the straddle trading strategy can be used to make predictions about volatility that are either rising or declining. In a short straddle, the options trader gains from decreasing volatility since the option prices decline, allowing the position to be closed for a profit at a price lower than the initial premium. On the other hand, with a long straddle, the options trader owns the option and gains as volatility rises because the option’s value will rise.

The straddle strategy heavily relies on the influence of implied volatility. This is so because implied volatility, which measures how much the market anticipates future volatility, can have a big impact on option prices. As a result, while employing the straddle technique, options traders must have a solid grasp of implied volatility.

Long Straddle

A straddle strategy is buying both call and put options at the same time. Buying both options with the same strike price and expiration date is the goal of this technique. This technique has the benefit of being a flexible trading tool because it generates rewards from substantial market fluctuations in either direction.

The disadvantage of this technique is that it begins at a loss because two option premiums must be paid. This initial loss cannot be increased, but if there is a big price movement, the profits made may be sufficient to offset it. Whether the price movement is upward or downward, the straddle strategy’s potential for profit is directly correlated with its size.

The method is great for traders who think there is a chance for a significant price swing in the market because it is set up to produce gains in the case of significant price changes. In contrast to other options trading techniques, buying both a call and a put option allows traders to profit from price swings in either direction.


Short Straddle

The short straddle options trading method entails the concurrent sale of call and put options with the same strike price and expiration date on the same underlying asset. Traders that think the price of the underlying asset won’t undergo major price changes employ this approach, which has a pessimistic view.

The trader who sells both call and put options is required to purchase or sell the underlying stock at the designated strike price in the event that either option is executed. This indicates that the trader is accepting the risk of price changes in both directions while also earning bigger option premiums than they would if they were only selling a call or put option.

A short straddle strategy’s objective is to make money using the premium from selling the options. The options will probably expire worthless and the trader will keep the entire option premium as profit if the value of the underlying asset does not change significantly in price.

However, the trader can be compelled to buy or sell the stock at the designated strike price, incurring a loss, if the price of the underlying asset sees significant price fluctuations. This emphasizes the risk involved with short straddle techniques since it exposes the trader to the possibility of price moves in both directions. Due to its potential to provide money through the collecting of option premiums, short straddle methods continue to be a favorite option trading technique among seasoned traders despite this danger.


Long Strangle

In many aspects, the Straddle trading method and the Long Strangle trading approach are comparable. In this approach, the same underlying asset is used to buy both a call option (long call) and a put option (long put), both of which have the same expiration date. For the call and put options, different strikes are picked than for the Long Straddle. As a result, the choices are frequently unprofitable, making the Long Strangle more affordable. The price increase or drop must be considerably greater than with a Long Straddle in order to turn a profit, though. This strategy’s main goal is to profit from fluctuations in the stock price that go in both directions. Long Strangles are expensive compared to other techniques, yet they are well-suited for volatile stocks.

Short Strangle

Selling a put option with a certain strike price A and a call option with a higher strike price B are both components of the Iron Butterfly options trading strategy. Profiting from the discrepancy in the premiums collected from selling both options is the goal. The price of the underlying asset must be inside the range between strikes A and B on the expiration date for the strategy to be profitable. In this manner, both options will expire worthless, giving the trader the opportunity to make as much as possible from the option premium paid.

This method is frequently used by options traders during periods of high volatility and overvalued options. As soon as volatility decreases, the position should be closed and the profit realized. The objective of this strategy, like the short straddle, is to gain from declining implied volatility. The Iron Butterfly strategy, as opposed to the short straddle, calls for selling two options with separate strike prices as opposed to a single call and put option with the same strike price.

Bull Call Spread

The bull call spread, also known as the “long call spread,” “bull call debit spread,” or “long call vertical spread,” is a well-known option trading technique that entails buying a call option at a lower strike price (strike A) and selling a different call option at a higher strike price (strike B) for the same underlying asset. This method aims to reduce risk while maximizing the possibility of reward.

This method refers to the call option bought at strike A as the “long” call option and the call option sold at strike B as the “short” call option. The cost of buying the long call option, which is typically in the money, meaning that its strike price is close to or slightly below the current market price of the underlying asset, is typically covered by the premium from the selling of the short call option.

Contrarily, the decision to select strike B is typically taken at a price that is either overbought or out of the money in relation to the underlying asset’s current market value. This is done to lower the risk and set a ceiling on the highest possible reward. The theory is that if the price of the underlying asset rises, the long call option’s value will rise while the short call option’s value falls, generating a profit.

While the bull call spread strategy can be a beneficial tool for options traders aiming to reduce their risk, it also restricts the possibility for unlimited profits that can be attained through other options trading techniques, such as a long call option. It is essential to select both alternatives with the same expiration date in order to perform this method successfully.


Bear Put Spread

The bear put spread, also known as the long put spread or long put vertical spread, is an options trading strategy. It entails holding two put option positions with the same expiration date and underlying asset, but with separate strike prices. The trader will simultaneously sell a put option (strike A) with a lower strike price and buy a put option (strike B) with a higher strike price (strike B).

The purpose of selling the lower strike price put option is to offset the cost of purchasing the higher strike price put option, thereby reducing the overall investment required to enter the trade. The trade is considered a bearish strategy as it profits from a downward move in the price of the underlying asset. In this scenario, the value of the put option at strike B increases, allowing the trader to sell it at a profit.

By selecting these strike prices, the trader is able to limit their potential losses while still having the opportunity to generate profits in the event of a downward price move. The choice of strike A is typically below the current stock price, making it “out of the money,” and the choice of strike B is typically above the current stock price, making it “in the money.”

A bear put spread technique allows traders to profit from a possible drop in the price of the underlying asset while minimizing their potential losses. The trader can cut their investment while still taking part in the price movement of the underlying asset by selling a put option with a lower strike price and buying a put option with a higher strike price.

Protective Collar

On the same underlying asset, the collar option strategy combines a covered call with a protective put. It entails holding two options positions on the same stock: a long put option and a short call option. Traders who want to produce some income from the stocks they already hold while also protecting their stock assets against large price falls utilize this method.

A trader must initially acquire at least 100 shares of the underlying company in order to set up a collar strategy. They will then purchase a put option with a strike price (Strike A) below the price of the stock at that time. If the stock price declines, the trader has the option to sell their stock at Strike A under this put option.

A call option with a strike price (Strike B) above the current stock price will also be sold by the trader. If the stock price rises, the call option gives the buyer the option to buy the stock at Strike B. The trader recovers the cost of the put option by selling the call option and collecting the option premium.

The key to success with this tactic is to select the put and call option strikes carefully. Put strikes should be below the stock’s current price, and call strikes should be above the stock’s current price. For the trade to be managed in a controlled and consistent manner, both options must have the same expiration date.

IV. Minimizing Risk with Options

Let’s take a closer look at the covered call strategy to illustrate the idea of reducing risks through options. Traders that have a slightly gloomy, neutral to optimistic market outlook and are prepared to sell their shares if necessary frequently opt for this method.

The trader must first hold the underlying asset, such as stocks, in order to use the covered call strategy. Then, they sell a call option whose strike price is often greater than the stock price at the time. The buyer of this call option gets the option to acquire the underlying asset at a specified price and at a future date.

Assume for the purposes of this illustration that the trader paid $40 per share for 100 shares of a stock. Then, for a premium of $1, they sell a call option with a $42 strike price. With the breakeven price at $39 ($42 strike price less $1 premium), this is the case. The trader can benefit up to $300 if the stock finishes over $39 on the previous trading session. The trader incurs a loss if the stock closes below $39 a share.

The price of the underlying asset at the time of the trade is typically below the breakeven threshold, which is determined by deducting the option premium from the strike price. The trader’s unique goals and objectives determine the covered call strategy’s sweet spot.


Conclusion on Options Strategies

For novice investors, stock options might be scary. This manual explains key terms used in option trading and offers simple option methods that may be used in any market environment. Before starting an option trading strategy, it’s crucial to take the market and investor expectations into account.

Trading options can be a useful strategy to control risk, make money, and profit from changes in the price of underlying assets. Options can be employed to reduce risk, as in the covered call strategy, or to make predictions about future prices, as in the long put option strategy. Before engaging in any type of trading, it is crucial to comprehend the advantages and disadvantages of every option strategy.


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